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Новый большой англо-русский словарь - pale


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Перевод с английского языка pale на русский

1. кол, свая, стойка 2. частокол, ограда 3. граница, черта, предел out of (wothin) the pale —- за пределами (в пределах) within the pale of laws —- в рамках закона outside the pale of the church —- вне лона церкви to be beyond (outside) the pale —- перейти все границы (приличного) she is out of the pale of all theories and annihilates all rules —- она не признает никаких теорий и отрицает все правила 4. ист. черта оседлости 5. ист. территория the English P. in France —- территория Кале the (English) P. in Ireland —- часть Ирландии под английской юрисдикцией 6. геральд. вертикальная полоса на щите 7. редк. огораживать, обносить частоколом, оградой, штакетником 8. редк. ограничивать (также pale in, pale up) 9. бледный pale face —- бледное лицо deadly (ghostly) pale —- бледный как смерть pale as ashes —- бледный как полотно this dress makes you look pale —- это платье тебя бледнит to grow (to becomte) pale —- побледнеть to turn pale with fright —- побледнеть от ужаса; побелеть от страха 10. слабый, тусклый (о цвете, свете) pale blue —- светло-голубой pale glow —- тусклый свет pale stars —- неяркие звезды dry sherry is usually pale —- сухой херес обычно светлый by the pale light of the moon —- при бледном свете луны 11. слабый, бессильный a pale policy —- бесхребетная политика pale imitation —- слабое подражание, бледная копия 12. бледнеть her face paled at the bad news —- она побледнела, услышав плохую новость 13. тускнеть (о цвете, свете) stars are paling —- звезды бледнеют (меркнут, тускнеют) 14. бледнеть, меркнуть all other anxieties pale beside this terrible fact —- на фоне этого ужасного факта все другие тревоги отходят на задний план me story pales beside vours —- мой рассказ бледнеет перед вашим 15. заставлять побледнеть illness had paled him —- он стал бледным после болезни Id: to pale into insignificance —- отойти на второй план; выглядеть бледно (по сравнению с чем-либо) 16. ам. в сложных словах с греческими корнями имеет значение: "древний" paleolith —- палеолит paleogeography —- палеогеография Paleocene —- палеоцен
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  before бледнеть, меркнуть; These floods pale before the ones we had this year when the whole river overflowed its banks. PALE I  1. noun  1) кол; свая  2) частокол; ограда  3) граница, черта, пределы; рамки (поведения); within the pale of laws - в рамках закона; outside the pale of the church - вне лона церкви; to be beyond/outside the pale - перейти все границы (приличного)  4) hist. черта оседлости  5) - the English Pale  6) herald. широкая вертикальная полоса посредине щита  2. v. обносить палисадом, оградой, частоколом; огораживать II  1. adj.  1) бледный; pale face - бледное лицо; - deadly pale - ghostly pale - grow pale - become pale - turn pale with fright  2) слабый, тусклый (о свете, цвете и т.п.); - pale blue pale glow - тусклый свет; pale stars - неяркие звёзды;  3) слабый, бессильный; - a pale policy Syn: ashen, cadaverous, livid, pallid, van Ant: colourful, flushed, gloving, rutty  2. v.  1) бледнеть; Mary paled at the sight of the terrible accident.  2) тускнеть; stars are paling - звёзды бледнеют/меркнут/тускнеют - pale beside - pale before  3) заставить побледнеть; бледнить PALE blue светло-голубой; PALE beside бледнеть, меркнуть; The dangers that you mention pale beside the risks that these climbers are taking. ...
Англо-русский словарь
  бледный ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) бледный 2) блеклый 3) кол - pale brick - pale color - pale crepe ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  кол; штакетина (узкая доска ограды) частокол; палисад; штакетник angle pale corrugated pale ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) кол огораживать кольями 2) шпала ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. adj. & v. --adj. 1 (of a person or complexion) of a whitish or ashen appearance. 2 a (of a colour) faint; not dark or deep. b faintly coloured. 3 of faint lustre; dim. --v. 1 intr. & tr. grow or make pale. 2 intr. (often foll. by before, beside) become feeble in comparison (with). Derivatives palely adv. paleness n. palish adj. Etymology: ME f. OF pale, palir f. L pallidus f. pallere be pale 2. n. 1 a pointed piece of wood for fencing etc.; a stake. 2 a boundary or enclosed area. 3 Heraldry a vertical stripe in the middle of a shield. Phrases and idioms beyond the pale outside the bounds of acceptable behaviour. in pale Heraldry arranged vertically. Etymology: ME f. OF pal f. L palus stake ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French pel, pal stake, from Latin palus — more at pole  Date: 12th century  1. archaic palisade, paling  2.  a. one of the stakes of a palisade  b. picket  3.  a. a space or field having bounds ; enclosure  b. a territory or district within certain bounds or under a particular jurisdiction  4. an area or the limits within which one is privileged or protected (as from censure) conduct that was beyond the ~  5. a perpendicular stripe on a heraldic shield  II. transitive verb  (~d; paling)  Date: 14th century to enclose with ~s ; fence  III. adjective  (~r; ~st)  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin pallidus, from pallere to be ~ — more at fallow  Date: 14th century  1. deficient in color or intensity of color ; pallid a ~ complexion  2. not bright or brilliant ; dim a ~ sun shining through the fog  3. feeble, faint a ~ imitation  4. deficient in chroma a ~ pink  • ~ly adverb  • ~ness noun  • palish adjective  IV. verb  (~d; paling)  Date: 14th century  intransitive verb to become ~  transitive verb to make ~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (paler, palest, pales, paling, paled) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. If something is pale, it is very light in colour or almost white. Migrating birds filled the pale sky... As we age, our skin becomes paler. ? dark ADJ • Pale is also a combining form. ...a pale blue sailor dress... COMB in COLOUR 2. If someone looks pale, their face looks a lighter colour than usual, usually because they are ill, frightened, or shocked. She looked pale and tired... ADJ: usu v-link ADJ • paleness ...his paleness when he realized that he was bleeding. N-UNCOUNT: oft with poss 3. If one thing pales in comparison with another, it is made to seem much less important, serious, or good by it. When someone you love has a life-threatening illness, everything else pales in comparison. ...a soap opera against which other soaps pale into insignificance. VERB: V, V prep 4. If you think that someone’s actions or behaviour are not acceptable, you can say that they are beyond the pale. This sort of thing really is quite beyond the pale. = unacceptable PHRASE: PHR after v, oft PHR of n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 adj 1 having a much whiter skin colour than usual, especially because you are ill, worried etc  (She suddenly noticed how pale and drawn he looked. | a pale complexion) 2 a pale colour is much lighter than the standard colour  (pale blue/pink/green etc)  (pale blue curtains)  (- compare deep1 (7), light2 (1)) 3 pale light is not bright  (the pale light of early morning) - palely adv - paleness n ~2 v 1 if your face pales, it becomes much whiter than usual because you have had a shock  (Kent's face paled when he saw Rob had a knife.) 2 pale into insignificance to seem much less important when compared to something else, especially something much worse that has happened  (All her anger, her jealousy, paled into insignificance beside this momentous news.) 3 pale in/by comparison to seem small or unimportant compared to something else  (This year's profits pale in comparison to last year's.) ~3 n 1 beyond the pale behaviour that is beyond the pale is offensive or unacceptable 2 a paling ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом


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